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Die Kombination aus hochwertigen Komponenten und einer Expertise im Bereich Bedienfeldtechnologien und deren Anwendung in den unterschiedlichsten Umgebungen ermöglicht uns die Bereitstellung industrieller Fernsteuerungen wie auch kompletter Dashboards, die Ihren spezifischen Anforderungen gerecht werden.

Die beste Lösung für eine landwirtschaftliche Anwendung unterscheidet sich von einer Material Handling-Lösung, und ein Bedienfeld für eine militärische Anwendung entspricht nicht dem Bedienfeld einer Konstruktionslösung. Dank der Erfahrungen, die wir bei der Integration sammeln konnten, sind wir heute in der Lage, Ihnen eine perfekt auf die jeweilige Umgebung abgestimmte Lösung zu liefern. Darüber hinaus verfügen wir über eine fundierte Kenntnis der Technologien und deren Vorteile und Herausforderungen, sodass wir mit qualifizierten und gezielten Designempfehlungen für Ihre HMI aufwarten können.

Standard Panel Solutions (8)

We took our long-standing expertise in industrial design and created off-the-shelf solutions that can be applied to common applications. The offering includes plug & play remote controls with some customization options, such as the number of keys, shape of keys, and marking; and various keyboards, including metal, rubber, and membrane keypads.
Find your next quick fix in our range of standard panel solutions.

Technologies (9)

APEM masters many different panel technologies such as capacitive, membrane, elastomer and piezoelectric. Each technology has its unique advantages and possibilities and is better suited for different environments and uses. Combined with our high-quality components, we can assist you in designing and producing a control system to meet your specific requirements and standards.
In addition, we have mastered a wide selection of communication protocols to match the communication from your HMI to the architecture of your vehicle or machine.
The technologies and protocols described in this section are the most requested ones. If the technology or requirement you are looking for is not on the following pages, then please contact us for further consultation.

Complete HMIs (2)

Do you need a remote control producer or a dashboard manufacturer for your next HMI solution? Are you concerned if the supplier would live up to the visual identity of your brand? Or is the functionality and complexity of your control panel that challenges you?
No worries, we’ve got you.
We are here to assist you from the early design concepts and environmental study to mass production. We have our own testing lab and strong quality control of the development and production processes to provide you with a reliable panel solution.
Take advantage of our decades of experience and let us deliver you a plug & play solution so you can focus on your core business.